Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Breaking the biases.

In today's world with huge population, it becomes difficult for human brain to analyse everyone as a distinct individual. Thus to simplify this task, brain creates the schema and makes broad categories of individuals based upon race, religion, caste among others. With such schema, brain makes opinion about any individual based upon their categories without taking effort to assess every individual distinctly. For example, in many of the Western countries, rising xenophobia which tags Muslims as orthodox , violent is out of this schema only. Because not all Muslims are like that but humans tend to categorize on such basis which are essentially driven by emotive factors. 

Such categorization breeds the biases. Thus airlines are biased in favor of pilots with more hours of experience. Bank security guards are biased against persons wearing masks. But many a times the new pilots may be highly efficient and precise. The mask worn by a person may be because of the cold outside. 

Obviously such biases help sustain the system many a times. Because many a times it may be very difficult practically to work without such biases. But reducing the number of biases is at least what we can certainly do. The benefit or profit or efficiency is inversely proportional to such biases. So ascending scale of objectivity and descending scale of biases can help in both personal as well as professional life.  

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