Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Doing it efficiently.

Efficiency is a process and not an event. Thus rather than finding the grand theories for efficiency, detecting the bottlenecks and points of inefficiencies and then improving upon it is the solution for attaining and sustaining efficiency in any process, organization, product.

Case paper in AIIMS Delhi
Thus suppose in a hospital, a person is appointed to direct the patients to respective departments like ENT, pediatric, gynecology etc. Patients come with the case paper from some counter outside and show it to the person appointed there. But if the department name is printed on case paper in a very small font size, then that person would take comparatively more time to read that font and then direct the patient accordingly. So to manage crowd effectively, increasing the font size is simple way out. Or other solution can be simply having different color case paper for different departments. 

Similarly, in a manufacturing unit, suppose ten raw materials are needed in a chain and eight out of them are manufactured at 1000 per minute but rest of the two at only 700 per minute, then the final product's manufacturing rate can't be more than 700. Thus finding out bottlenecks in the manufacturing of rest of the two products is essential. In management theory, it is called as Kaizen. 

Thus the strength of the chain cannot be more than its weakest link. 

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