Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Doing it efficiently.

Efficiency is a process and not an event. Thus rather than finding the grand theories for efficiency, detecting the bottlenecks and points of inefficiencies and then improving upon it is the solution for attaining and sustaining efficiency in any process, organization, product.

Case paper in AIIMS Delhi
Thus suppose in a hospital, a person is appointed to direct the patients to respective departments like ENT, pediatric, gynecology etc. Patients come with the case paper from some counter outside and show it to the person appointed there. But if the department name is printed on case paper in a very small font size, then that person would take comparatively more time to read that font and then direct the patient accordingly. So to manage crowd effectively, increasing the font size is simple way out. Or other solution can be simply having different color case paper for different departments. 

Similarly, in a manufacturing unit, suppose ten raw materials are needed in a chain and eight out of them are manufactured at 1000 per minute but rest of the two at only 700 per minute, then the final product's manufacturing rate can't be more than 700. Thus finding out bottlenecks in the manufacturing of rest of the two products is essential. In management theory, it is called as Kaizen. 

Thus the strength of the chain cannot be more than its weakest link. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Truth behind post-truth politics.

March of renaissance and rationalism came with the number of things attached to and one of them is very high importance attached to logic, rationality. Thus each and every act, thought was tested on the parameters of logic. Any kind of irrational activity or behaviour was considered as useless and a sign of lesser human being.

Thus, as a result, emotions were relegated to the subsidiary position. Expression of emotions publicly was considered as an act of foolishness. Thus rationality and emotions were portrayed as antithetical to each other and rationality was given important position in it. Thus everyone was expected to vote rationally, everyone was expected to think before acting. To add to this, the capitalism and market economy fueled this idea and declared that human being is rational. Thus the homo sapiens were expected to be the homo economicus.    

But this was essentially an intellectual exercise in which the selective elites decided and declared the importance of rationality. And as a result of which, the important role of emotions in the lives of common people was neglected. This unleashed the wave of resentment amongst the common man. This was essentially a cross-country phenomenon. The emotions, which are essentially the anchors of lives of common people were treated as secondary and this was considered as derogatory by society at large. And here I want to propose that, the ongoing post-truth politics is essentially the assertion by common people for "bringing the emotions back in". 

Thus public discourse today need to be the blend of rationality on one hand and emotions on the other.   

Faith, fear and future: The new religion story !

For last fifteen days, I'm touring various parts of Northern India. Travelling includes scenic places as well as religious places.  I have been to the holiest Gurudwara of Sikhism- Golden temple in Punjab, largest and sacred mosque of Islam- Jama Masjid and mausoleum of one of the world's most famous Sufi saint Nizamuddin Auliya- Nizamuddin Dargah, both in Delhi, various sacred Hindu temples in Punjab, Haryana, This was a hectic but more than that an enriching experience.

One learns a lot through traveling. In the case of religious places, I re-understood that religion is still a very fundamental anchor for people. But another very important realization is that most of the people pray and follow the rituals out of fear. The fears are many- fear of failure in exam, fear of rejection, fear of not getting the job and what not. 

Earlier many people used to worship God out of expectation of getting something. But in recent period religions, Gods are openly and very vehemently challenged and followers of God were largely seen as irrational and unscientific people. Also, it was seen that with the science, one can achieve even the impossible. So to get something, science, knowledge, information, money are needed and not the God. This posed a very critical challenge to religions, Gods among others. Thus to sustain in such situation, new kind of outlook was created. Thus it was imposed and said that rather than for getting something, following religion was seen as important to avoid the wrath. So now following the religion is not to get something rather it is risk- proofing measures by people to avoid God's wrath.

I respect true devotion and faith. But there is a wide difference between faith and fear. And true religion or dharma is based on faith, not fear. Thus devotion neither stems out of any expectation nor out of fear. It is mere gratitude towards the larger cosmic whole.