Saturday, October 13, 2018

" War is a dirty business,Sir" (Cinematic Series- The Angel )

" The Angel" is the recent movie I happened to watch. The movie is about Ashraf Marwan, the intelligence guy of Egypt who also worked as a spy for Israel during 1970s and saved the crucial lives of millions by feeding the information of war to Israel. In Wikipedia, the plot of the movie is given as - 
The film highlights the story of an Egyptian spy Ashraf Marwan, a confidant of President Anwar Sadat, turning into a spy for Israel. Ashraf Marwan was the son-in-law of Egypt’s President Gamal Abdel Nasser, but later became Sadat’s (Nasser’s successor) helping hand. One day in 1960s, he telephoned the Israeli embassy from a London’s telephone booth to offer his services as a spy. The Mossad enlisted his services and Marwan began passing vital information to Israel. He warned the Mossad about the planned Arab surprise attack that started the Yom Kippur War in 1973, preventing what could have resulted in a huge number of Israeli casualties.  ( )
In recent years the world has witnessed fanatic nationalism, chauvinism across different nations including European countries, USA. People are ready to kill the others beyond borders. Wars, killing is looked like the solution. Borders of the mind have become stronger than borders of nations. 

But here was a man Ashraf Marwan- Egyptian by nationality and humanist at the heart. For many, his act of spying for Israel when Egypt and Israel were on brinks of the war can be morally wrong. But his efforts were aimed at peace. He wanted to save millions of innocents. His efforts fructified, Egypt and Israel signed the peace agreement resulting in long-lasting peace between two countries. 

His tactics can be disputed but not his intentions and vision. I believe that the world today needs more Ashrafs. But do we have any place in our world for such Ashrafs today?

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