Monday, July 1, 2019

Understanding it Feynman way!

Image result for richard feynman learning
Richard Feynman had formulated a very easy technique to check out whether you have understood anything or not. Many of the pedagogy experts have in fact given many ways to test the students'  understanding level. But I personally find this Feynman's method very simple, effective and interesting. 

Feynman has given four steps to check this out-
1. Choose any concept/ any principle or anything for which understanding or learning level is to be checked.

2. Now when you feel that you have learnt that concept/ that principle, teach it to any toddler.

3. If toddler understands what you taught, it means you have very good understanding of the particular concept etc. And if toddler fails to understand it, then you need to find out your gaps and revisit the concept and learn it better ( Go to step 4 only if toddler has failed to understand)

4. Learn the concept etc. in better manner and in simplified way and again follow step 2 and step 3.

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