Sunday, May 27, 2018

Art of self-motivation.

Self-motivation is the best kind of motivation. Because many a time external motivation is not very well received by a person as it sounds very mechanical and cliché. Also not every time we have someone to motivate. And despite all efforts, an outsider will never be able to understand our emotions and why we are feeling low at times. Thus self-motivation can act as the best tonic in all such situations.

What can be done to learn this art of self-motivation -
1. Accept that you are down and feeling demotivated if at all you are feeling so. If you keep on denying and keep pretending that you are not demotivated, you cannot move ahead.

2. Sit down quietly. Let the thoughts swing in your mind and don't try to artificially bring positive thoughts because they won't sustain.

3. Just think of why you are feeling low, nervous, anxious. It can be anything- fear of failure, fatigue out of struggle, incapability to cope with pressure, expectations- and the list goes on. Zero down the reason for you. Try not to eliminate your anxiety or feeling of demotivation but only try to understand its roots and its causes.

4. Do something which you like- play football, listen to music, watch movies, go and meet childhood friends, talk with your parents, loved ones.

5. Slowly you will understand reasons for your demotivation. Think about why you started. Try to simply sink into it. Probably you will understand that you need to give one more push, one more try, one more attempt.

6. Plan for the future course of action. Give yourself short-term goals rather than having a single architectonic goal. When we are running behind something which is very distant, invisible, then it increases the fear of the unknown, uncertainty of the journey. Short term, visible goals keep us motivated and also keep giving the feeling of accomplishment.

So be motivated and be happy.  

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