Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Human Nature

Human nature, behavioural patterns really attract me a lot. In the today's world of homogeneity, nature and its reflection in behaviour is something which is really very distinct for everyone. In fact no two individuals can have same nature or behaviour. In very crude sense, we can say that nature is in built whereas behaviour is translation of nature in day to day life. Due to different nature, every individual behaves in different way in same situation.

Now what does it mean when someone comments like he or she is good natured. Are there any objective criteria for deciding good or bad nature or behaviour? In fact what is good for one may not be for others. It all depends upon the what is within the zone of tolerance. It means if some kind of behaviour is within one's zone of tolerance then he may find it good . Beyond that zone it becomes very irritating or bad for him.

Certainly, over the time period humans have arrived at some kind of consensus or at least some common denominator about what is good behaviour. It is solely for the purpose of convenience and running the society.

But still we find so many clashes, fights, hatred around us. One way to solve or at least minimize it is by widening our zones of tolerance. Obvious question is how to widen it ? The practice that I'm following for some days now is to just give a little thought to the roots of someone's behaviour. Just think, why he might be behaving in this manner or responding like this. Probably he might be good natured but just because of some situations, he might be behaving in particular manner. If we can dig little deeper like this, we will hardly get annoyed or angry on anyone. So the key is to go to roots of nature of a person than just judging him based upon the behaviour. I believe that this will help reduce the hatred and clashes amongst us as a society

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