Monday, March 5, 2018

'P' for Praise, not Punishment !

Today's era has become era of punishment. Everywhere people are vigilant to find someone guilty, catch someone raid handed and punish him or her. The subsequent laws try to make punishment mechanisms stringent. The huge gatherings on Jantar-Manatar for 'Anna Andolan' demanding for strict punishment to corrupts or demand for cutting organs of rapists are indicative of the same. "Complaint about this driver on **** number if driving is rash" is a very common appeal one can find on the vehicles. It is also deterrence by punishment. If one reaches the office late, there is punishment, if one doesn't perform well, yes again new punishment ! So much of punishments these days in this so called liberal world ! 

Some of the punishments are certainly necessary. But my objection to this punishment saga is as follows. There is punishment to driver for rash driving, but is there any award for smooth driving? If one fails to perform, there are punishments, but what if someone does miracles in his or her work? Do we have as strong recognition mechanism as that of punishment? The small children are everytime beaten up if they lie. But are they even noticed once if they speak truth? CBI keeps watch on the corrupt, fraud, criminals. But do we have a single body, which is fully engaged in keeping the tap of good performers in different sectors? Ironically enough, the corrupt officers, fraudulent people always hit the headlines. Whereas the good performers hardly find the place in media though ultimately they are the ones who prevail. 

This punishment saga creates the 'culture of avoiding the mistakes than performing creatively'. This kind of culture is enemy to human excellence. So let us start appreciating everything that is good around ! In fact life is very beautiful, we just need the eyes to appreciate the beauty as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder!


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