Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A new year resolution.

"So, what's your new year resolution?", asked my wife. And my answer was pretty different this year. So my new year resolution is 'taking a pause'.

Confused? But yes, I have decided to take a pause every time before doing anything and just give a small thought to it. It is always said that the thoughtful actions are much prudent and this is certainly one of the reasons for the resolution. But beyond this obvious reason, I have two more intents behind the resolution.

What I have realized over the years is that there is a certain kind of normalization leading to boredom in our daily activities, routine etc. As a result of which many of us have just stopped thinking about what we are doing and our actions have become quite mechanical. This hampers the out of the box thinking and creativity. Taking a little pause and thinking vefore doing can help in this. For example, take a small pause even before a daily activity like reading the newspaper. Think, what you read yesterday, what you learned, how did u read it, can you do this reading more productive etc. And eureka! You will certainly find some new way, probably not every day and probably not something of the sort of some paradigm shift. But incrementally you will grow and enrich for sure.

The other intent behind the resolution is to break the continuous chain of activities in a day. So here my idea is to break this chain with little pause to think about our action, though casually. This break in between the actions will give some fresh air to our daily chores. This will help rebuild the lost interest in the things we are doing.

So one, doing things in a better manner and two rebuilding the interest in whatever we are doing are mainly two things I am looking for here. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting..
    Would like to implement it.
